Spider Veins
Spider Veins
Spider Veins

Unsightly Thread Veins ..Erased with Laser

Getting rid of unsightly Thread Veins

Since we specialize in veins, we do more veins treatments in any given day than all other area Clinics combined.

A spot treatment can be offered to all our patients who often describe it as “erasing pencil lines with an eraser “, it is safe, simple, fast, and the results are simply amazing.

What are ” Spider Veins ?

Millions of women (and men) have spider veins, they are small, annoying and unsightly clusters of red, blue or purple thread veins seen most commonly on the thighs, calves and ankles and other locations. Spider veins – known in the medical world as telangiectasias are small, thin veins that lie close to the surface of the skin. Although these super-fine veins are connected with the larger venous system, they are not an essential part of it.

How can we get rid of Spider Veins ?

Laser technique has been refined and perfected in recent years and has become the method of choice to erase fine thread veins anywhere in the body ( legs, face and elsewhere The Laser Therapist deploys the laser beam to sequential segments of the unwanted vein making it disappear as seen in the video above. Laser treatment session lasts about 15 minutes. Depending on the amount of spider veins the patient has, one to four laser treatment sessions can be completed during one visit, more visits may be needed to remove all spider veins in the legs if the patient has an unusually large number of them. Patients can return to normal activity right after treatment, no compression stockings or bandages are needed after laser spider veins treatment. Our advanced laser systems have the distinct advantage of Immediate disappearance of spider veins with No needles and No injections.

What is Sclerotherapy ?

Sclerotherapy Treatment of spider veins is an old and time tested treatment of larger spider veins and the so called Reticular Veins . The New Micro-Sclerotherapy (advanced, painless and very effective technique) is offered at our clinic on same visit basis. Using special magnifying loupes and super tiny needles (barely felt by the patient), The doctor injects a solution into the vein that causes the vein walls to stick together, seal it shut and disappear. The sclerotherapy techniques have evolved over the years and became a much safer, more effective and painless treatment to certain medium size greenish or purplish veins. The choice of the sclerosing agent (the medicine used in the injection), its concentration, the use of special veins lighting equipment, a special tilting treatment table and the experience of the treating veins specialist are all important factors in the success of Sclerotherapy.

Do Spider Veins really go away ?

Our patients enjoy a 70% to 90% clearance of their unsightly veins treated by our methods from the first go, the rest of the remaining veins need a second treatment in 6 – 8 weeks. The patient plays a pivotal role in the Sclerotherapy success by following the post procedure instructions which include the keeping a compression bandage ( applied by the Doctor ) over the treated areas for few days following the Sclerotherapy.

What are the advanced Techniques of Sclerotherapy ?

Some of the newer and advanced Sclerotherapy techniques, we regularly use also are: Foam Sclerotherapy is another form of treatment that allow the Doctor to treat larger (reticular) veins by mixing a smaller amount of the the sclerosing agent with air ( forming a foam ) and injecting it into the unwanted vein. Ultrasound guided Sclerotherapy is used to treat deeper, non-visible veins that are causing the appearance of the more superficial veins. Vein-light and Accuvein guided Sclerotherapy is yet another technique that we utilize at our center to treat smaller “feeder veins” with the aid of skin trans-illumination apparatus called VeinLite or Accuvein.

For best results, Compression stockings or topical bandage application should be worn for few days (during day time only) after Sclerotherapy. After treatment of Spider Veins with Laser , no compression bandage is necessary.

How long after treatment will my Veins clear ?

Good portion of treated spider veins will disappear immediately as we treat them, another portion ( the larger size ones ) will appear thinner and darker for a couple of weeks and fade away slowly . A smaller portion of veins are more resistant, they will look a little different but they don’t go away, so a second treatment about 6 weeks after the first treatment will be necessary to get rid of them. Generally speaking, the longer you keep your spider veins the more resistant they become.

Who is the best Specialist Doctor for Spider Veins ?

A Doctor who does these treatments every day, who has the most experience and best tools at his/her disposal. A specialty clinic like Laven Clinic offer these treatments on a daily basis, it has a huge accumulated experience in veins and the best Laser systems and Laser Therapists in town, we do it with passion and we don’t settle for less than perfect.

Shown above is a video of a case of Spider Veins behind the knee treated recently at our Clinic ( Laven Clinic )

The above is another case treated at laven Clinic recently of Spider veins on lower leg