Anal Disorders
“More than 16,000 successful Laser Proctology Treatments and still counting”, if you need a Doctor to treat your Proctology condition, you would want someone who has cured few thousands patients before you.
Laven Clinic Specialists Doctors ( Directed by Dr. Sarmad Aji, FACs , American Board Certified Laser Surgeon and a pioneer in the field of Advanced Proctology ) have dedicated ALL their practice to Advanced Laser Non Surgical treatments of Proctology Disorders and represent the busiest, most experienced referral center in the UAE and GCC area for all complicated and difficult Ano-rectal cases.
Collectively, we have performed more than 16,000 Proctology treatments over the last few years.
Proper and pain free treatment of Ano-Rectal conditions requires gentle and precise approach with deep understanding of the patients fears, embarrassment and hesitation. With as much experience as we have had in Proctology, we learned how to simplify and sooth the treatment experience for our patients, we often finish it before they know we started.
Our Veins experience had a lot to do with our success in applying laser technology to Hemorrhoids (which are dilated veins after all), this has spilled over, subsequently, to Fistula, Fissure and Pilonidal cyst treatments, always under the same principle: ” If it has a lumen, we close it.” by laser rather than surgery.
There is no magic here, it’s a proper mix of tools, knowledge and passion. For tools, we save no expense, we use only the best:
Our Diagnostic tools
- Video Proctosigmoidoscopy & Fistuloscopy ( to see inside the Rectum or Fistula )
- Trans-Rectal High Resolution Ultrasound ( TRUS ), to evaluate the rectal muscles and diagnose abnormalities.
- Anorectal Manometry ( to measure the Anal Canal pressures and diagnose abnormalities )
- MRI, labs and pathology and more.
Most of Diagnostic tools are readily available at all our branches, and because we don’t like to subject our patients to repeated visits, we strive always to complete any test needed in the same first visit so we can have a final Diagnosis and recommend the best course of treatment for your particular condition and complete it if you wish, all in the same visit.
Our Therapeutic Tools
We use our proprietary full scale “Laser Proctology Station” that we developed over years of experience and continuous refinement, it has multiple advanced laser systems, Radio-frequency systems , Infra-Red Coagulator, Fistuloscope, Video Rectoscope, special instruments ,proprietary local anesthesia mix and much more.
We don’t hesitate to use multiple techniques or tools on the same patient to come out with the best outcome, the most effective and least traumatic, this is clearly the advantage of a highly specialized Proctology Clinic vs a General Surgical hospital or Polyclinic.
Laser has the three beautiful added advantages of:
- No bleeding (it cauterizes blood vessels)
- No infections (It kills 100% of Bacteria and viruses)
- No pain (It cauterizes raw nerve endings so laser wounds have no sensation)
So, for any one who still questions the advantage of Laser treatment vs traditional surgery, we say ; Sorry, this is no longer a valid argument.
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