Curing Fistula with a Laser Fiber and a Scope
The Art of Fistula Laser Fiber Cure
Laven Clinic Group has established itself as a leading referral center for Anal Fistula cases, trusted by numerous surgeons and physicians. Our expertise lies in treating recurrent and complicated Anal Fistula cases. Over the years, we have successfully cured thousands of patients who sought relief for this debilitating condition.
What Is a Fistula and Its Symptoms ?
Anal Fistula is a persistent tunnel that forms near the anus. It frequently leads to repeated infections, abscesses, and uncomfortable symptoms such as:
- Discharge: Yellowish or bloody spotting that stains underwear.
- Itching: Persistent irritation near the anus.
- Pain or swelling: Especially around a pimple-like lesion near the anus that refuses to heal.
Unlike an anal fissure, which is a painful cut in the anal skin, an anal fistula is a chronic condition requiring medical attention to prevent complications like recurrent infections.
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What causes Anal Fistula ?
Most anal fistula patients first develop a peri-anal abscess (mostly from a little infection in the mucous glands in the lining of the anal canal), these patients suddenly wake up with a red painful swelling in the skin surrounding their anus, they cannot sit comfortably, they can feel a little bump in the skin around the anal opening, it hurts if they press it, it is extremely tender, this is an anal abscess, a pocket of expanding infection filled with pus trying to explode and drain to the outside which may happen spontaneously if the patient does not go to the doctor early enough, or it may be drained by the surgeon in a more precise and proper fashion (a procedure called I & D of abscess which stands for incision and drainage of abscess.) Once the Peri-Anal Abscess is drained to the outside surgically or spontaneously, most patients feel better as the pressure of the expanding abscess tearing their peri-anal tissues disappears but in most cases the problem has not ended, they are left now with an anal fistula which is a small opening , it looks like a pimple that will never heal in the skin surrounding the anus which continues to secrete some yellowish – at times bloody -discharges… it stains the underwear or make the area wet and itchy. The anal fistula pimple may heal for a while and remains asymptomatic for few months, only to start a new abscess course once again and so on…
Is Anal Fistula a serious condition ?
Anal fistula is a condition that demands respect and prompt accurate treatment by specialized surgeon who deals with these conditions frequently, it is best done at specialized proctology center.
The main reason of the difficulties in approaching this abnormal “tunnel” and removing it or closing it is the fact that most Anal Fistula tracks pass through the rectal sphincter muscles ( these are the circular muscles surrounding the anal canal and responsible for our ano-rectal control over opening and closing our anus ) Removing Anal Fistula track or closing it without injuring the anal sphincter muscles is the main challenge that faces any surgeon approaching Anal Fistula. Injury to the external Anal Sphincter is a serious complication with long term consequences.
How do we cure Anal Fistula ? Is Surgery necessary ?
Fortunately, 85% of Anal Fistula cases are Low, i.e. below the sphincter muscle and therefore require simple laser Fistulectomy which we do it, at Laven Clinic, under simple local anesthesia in few minutes. Laser wounds heal fast, in a near painless fashion and do not interfere with patient’s daily activities at all. For those 15% of patients when we suspect that their Fistula is high (passing through significant portion of their sphincter muscle), we perform a couple of tests that help us to understand and delineate the Fistula track properly and its course through the Rectal Sphincter complex. At Laven Clinic, Our Surgeons are trained on performing Trans-Rectal Ultrasound (TRUS), a few minutes simple exam that can be performed during the patient’s first visit with or without Anorectal Manometric Study ( another simple office test that measure the rectal pressures ), these tests allow us to plan the best treatment course for our patients. At times, we may order Anorectal MRI ( a radiology test that shows the pelvic anatomy and maps the course of the Fistula track ) to help us develop the best and most appropriate treatment plan.
So, how do we cure complicated ( high, through the muscles ) Anal Fistula ?
Here again, we take great advantage of our extensive experience in Endo-Laser tools to cure high fistula with a simple procedure without surgery or cutting the skin near the anus while respecting the sphincter muscle and keeping it intact at all times, we simply pass a tiny Laser Fiber through the external opening of the Anal Fistula and cauterize it closed from within, It’s called FiLa-C Anal Fistula Track Laser Ablation, a highly elegant and very effective procedure that our Director, Dr. Sarmad Aji, FACS helped in developing and is quickly becoming the method of choice in the treatment of most anal Fistulae.
Using the Laser Fiber ablation alone ( The Fila-C procedure, as done by most General Surgeons ) is Not enough and often leads to failure and recurrence, It is the deep knowledge of the accurate Etiology that caused the fistula formation and addressing it properly and elegantly is the cause behind our success, this is a unique experience that we gained over years of practice and thousands of cases.
We may use the Fistuloscope (a little cannula with a camera at the tip) to help us laser properly the entire Fistula track ( a procedure called Laser assisted VAAFT procedure or LA-VAAFT) when adequate, as well as more technically delicate procedures to assure the complete closure of the Fistula internal opening ( the Feeder point ) in order to achieve cure of the Fistula from the first go.
All of our Fistula treatments require less than half an hour to perform but they offer these complex Fistula patients the best and safest chance of cure with minimal or no pain and discomfort. In most cases there is no cut in the skin, no stiches and no chance of injury to the sphincter muscle. In complicated Fistula cases we use Local Anesthesia with mild sedation or less often Spinal or General anesthesia. We will explain your specific Fistula planned treatment in detail to you during your first visit.
Post-Treatment Care
After treatment, our team provides detailed aftercare instructions, including:
- Warm sitz baths to promote healing.
- Medications for pain management (if needed).
- Scheduled follow-up visit to monitor progress.
Dr. Sarmad Aji’s Expertise
Dr. Sarmad Aji, FACS, has pioneered several innovative techniques for anal fistula treatment. His extensive experience ensures every patient receives the best possible care, with a strong emphasis on minimally invasive methods and patient comfort.
Common Questions About Anal Fistula
What are the symptoms of an anal fistula ?
Symptoms include discharge, itching, pain, and a pimple-like lesion near the anus that won’t heal.
What causes anal fistula ?
Most cases are caused by peri-anal abscesses, which result from infections in the anal glands.
How can I differentiate between an anal fissure and an anal fistula ?
An anal fissure is a painful cut in the skin, while an anal fistula is a persistent tunnel that may cause discharge or abscesses.
Is surgery always necessary to treat an anal fistula ?
No, many cases can be treated using minimally invasive laser techniques without traditional surgery.
What is Fila-C Anal Fistula Track Laser Ablation ?
This advanced procedure uses a laser to seal the fistula from within, avoiding cuts or stitches.
How long does recovery take after laser treatment ?
Most patients resume daily activities within a day or two, with minimal discomfort.
Are there any risks involved in anal fistula treatment ?
With advanced techniques at Laven Clinic, the risks are minimal, and sphincter muscle integrity is preserved.
Can high-complexity fistulas be cured without major surgery ?
Yes, our specialized techniques, including LA-VAAFT, effectively treat complex fistulas.
What diagnostic tools are used to assess fistula complexity ?
We use TRUS, anorectal manometry, and sometimes MRI to map the fistula and plan treatment.
Why choose Laven Clinic for anal fistula treatment ?
Laven Clinic specializes in advanced laser techniques, ensuring safe, effective, and minimally invasive care.
Is laser treatment for Anal Fistula covered by insurance ?
We accept most insurance plans. Coverage depends on your specific insurance provider, If you have health insurance, please send a picture of your insurance card or Emirates ID to our WhatsApp number 0565556999, and our team will assist you in verifying its acceptance at our clinics.
Many patients (and Surgeons) try to ask us about the one particular treatment or procedure we use in our center for Anal Fistula, our answer is always : It is our accumulative Laser experience, our dedication to this particular field, our acquisition of the latest and best technology available anywhere in the world. There is no “One best technique“, it is often the “combination of newly refined techniques“ utilized by the Laven Clinic specialist surgeon that give the best results.