Varicose Veins
Varicose Veins
Varicose Veins

Removal of Swollen Varicose Veins by Laser

No more surgery
Modern Treatment of Bulging Varicose Veins
No more surgery, Modern Treatment of Bulging Varicose Veins

Getting rid of Leg Varicose Veins without surgery

Even for the worst, largest, grape like, bulging varicose veins, the Endolaser Vein Treatment EVLT (Inserting a tiny laser fiber in the offending vein lumen to close it, a technique pioneered several years ago by Dr. Sarmad Aji, FACS and few other vascular surgeons in the USA and is now the gold standard of large varicose veins treatment across the globe) and the newer technique of Vein Glue (injecting a special medical glue like Venaseal and Venablock to close the offending vein) have eliminated the need for the traditional surgical “stripping” in almost all cases, it’s done in the Doctor’s office, in half an hour, under local anesthesia with simply, stunning results, and better yet, it is covered by most medical insurance companies. For in depth explanation of Varicose Veins ( Causes, Symptoms, Complications ..etc ) , see our Veins Disorders page.

Are there cases when surgery is needed ?

Surgery for varicose veins has become an obsolete option that we rarely, if ever, need to do, all our treatments are performed with Laser, RadioFrequency or Vein Glue, under simple local anesthesia, with minimal or no discomfort, no down time and with returning to work immediately or on the next day.

A complement to the laser procedure -EVLT- or the Vein Glue procedure is Microphlebectomy, a cosmetic procedure which removes the unsightly bulging veins through few tiny needle holes. Patients get rid of all their bulging unsightly varicose veins in an hour at the Doctor’s office and drive home to resume normal activities immediately.

Will my Insurance cover Varicose Veins Treatment ?

Virtually, all insurance companies in the UAE cover Varicose Veins treatments if the condition is causing symptoms (like Pain, swelling, repeated bruising…etc) and especially if it s not responding to wearing compression stockings for more than 6 months. There are also some findings on Venous Ultrasound test that we do for all Veins patients that would further support Insurance coverage if they exist.

What are ” Veins ” ?

Veins are blood vessels, they carry blood from various parts of our body in one direction , i. e. toward the heart , this unidirectional blood flow is maintained through multiple one-way valves present inside most of our veins.

What are ” Varicose Veins ” ?

When there is a weakness in the vein wall or a faulty valve, the valve stretches and no longer closes properly,  the blood starts to back up in the vein, which in turn stretches and expands to accommodate the increased volume of the backed up blood, the vein becomes visibly enlarged, filled with blood that does not flow normally, and, as the time passes, it becomes tortuous, it looks like a little rope under the skin, this is what we call Varicose Vein. Varicose veins are seen mostly in the legs, but they also appear in the pelvic region, anal canal ( Hemorrhoids ), around the testicles in men ( Varicocele )..etc.

What are Varicose Veins Symptoms and signs ?

Beside being unsightly, Varicose and spider veins frequently cause pain in the affected area. Symptoms also include legs fatigue, heaviness, aching, burning, throbbing, itching, cramping, and restlessness of the legs, repeated ankles swelling can occur. Severe varicose veins can compromise the nutrition of the skin and lead to eczema, inflammations or even ulcerations, thickening of the skin and brownish pigmentation of the lower legs and ankles.

Complications of Varicose Veins

Without varicose vein therapy, complications will arise; Varicose Veins can cause, in more advanced stages, skin discoloration and pigmentation especially around the ankles , sores that won’t heal in the lower leg ( venous stasis ulcers ), spontaneous bruises ( from ruptured congested veins ),  blood clots formation ( from the stagnant blood flow ), Superficial or rarely Deep Thrombophlebitis ( inflammation of the blood clots that form inside the affected veins, seen mostly in the legs ). Superficial Thrombophlebitis is an inflamed clotted superficial vein ( located under the skin ). The affected vein becomes firm, the skin over it is reddened, tender and swollen, this condition warrants a visit to a Veins Clinic for prompt treatment. Deep Venous Thrombophlebitis is a similar condition but it affects the deep large veins of the leg, a blood clot forms inside the deep vein ( most commonly starting at the deep calf veins ) and it could expand throughout a Long portion of the deep leg veins, reaching at times the pelvic region. The leg becomes swollen, the calf  muscles may become tender, but the symptoms may remain more insidious. A high index of suspicion and a prompt  Venous Ultrasound Exam  are a must . DVT is a much more serious condition that require emergency treatment with blood thinner and other measures to prevent the risk of pulmonary embolism ( a portion of the blood clot breaking off and traveling through the venous system to the heart and then to the lung where it lodges and block the function of a segment of the lung ).

What are the types of Varicose Veins ?

Spider veins are small red, blue or purple ” thread ” veins on the surface of the skin. You can think of them as ” mini-varicose veins “. Varicose veins are larger distended and bulging veins that are located somewhat deeper than spider veins. Reticular veins are medium size, greenish, non-bulging, yet abnormally visible veins, seen most commonly behind the knees and on the outer surface of the thighs, and they represent an early stage varicose veins.

What causes Varicose or Spider Veins to start with ?

There are many factors that contribute to the development of these unsightly veins including pregnancy, weight gain, prolonged standing, and genetics. Heredity is the number one contributing factor causing varicose and spider veins. Women are more likely to suffer from these abnormal leg veins. Up to 50% of American women may be affected. Hormonal factors including puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and the use of birth control pills, long standing and obesity also play an important role in the development of venous disorders.

How do we diagnose Varicose Veins cause ?

Vein disorders are not always visible; therefore, diagnostic techniques are important tools in determining the cause and severity of the problem and identifying the offending vein ( there are usually only one or two superficial veins causing most of the leg varicosities ). In addition to the physical examination by Laven Clinic  Specialist Surgeon, he/she will perform during the same visit a noninvasive Colored Venous Doppler Ultrasound and Vein-light tests to pinpoint the offending veins and explain to you your best treatment.

What do I expect after EVLT or Vein Glue Treatment of my Varicose Veins ?

Since there is not surgery or cuts or stitches, the recovery is nearly immediate. You can resume most of your daily activities and work immediately, you will have a compression stocking applied over the treated leg(s) with bandage wrapped over it for two days, The Doctor will check you on the third day and request from you to continue wearing the stocking ( during the day only ) for 2 weeks. There is minimal bruising, if any, and that’s about it. We have performed hundreds of these treatments at Laven Clinic, our results have been consistently excellent.